Wednesday, September 22, 2010

IKEA Field-trip

We ate at IKEA. That sounds strange to me. I didn't think they were particularly gluten-free friendly, there is food I can eat there, salads, meat balls without the gravy. If you venture there you'll have to pay more attention than I did. They do have a salmon fillet but it looked uncooked and I wasn't feeling the raw fish. They do have french fries - which should be gluten-free but if they fried it in the same oil with something that has breading on it - well the fries now have breading. So many things to remember.

This is my greek salad. I didn't eat the olives - I hate olives.

My husband had, meatballs, potatoes, and chicken wild rice soup. This made me sad - I need to find a good gluten-free chicken wild rice soup. Send me a recipe if you have one.

I ate a few meatballs and then remembered that gravy has flour in it. Again, too many things to keep track of.

1 comment:

  1. I was surprised you said you could eat the meatballs at Ikea as the meatballs themselves (no gravy) have breadcrumbs in them. Here is a list list of their ingredients.
